7 Segment Display

A seven segment display contains seven LED ‘bars’ that can be lit up in different combinations to show the ten digits 0 to 9 and can also show some letters and other symbols.

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Direct control of 7-segment display

This program will read an analogue input on pin C.0 and directly control a 7-segment display connected to the B.0 through B.6 output pins to show a value which represents that analogue level.

Code Example:
	dirsb = %01111111		; make B.0 to B.6 outputs

main:	readadc c.2, b1
	if b1 > 150 then show9
	if b1 > 130 then show8
	if b1 > 110 then show7
	if b1 > 90 then show6
	if b1 > 70 then show5
	if b1 > 50 then show4
	if b1 > 30 then show3
	if b1 > 20 then show2
	if b1 > 10 then show1
show0:	let pinsb = %00111111	' digit 0
	goto main

show1:	let pinsb = %00000110	' digit 1
	goto main

show2:	let pinsb = %01011011	' digit 2
	goto main

show3:	let pinsb = %01001111	' digit 3
	goto main

show4:	let pinsb = %01100110	' digit 4
	goto main

show5:	let pinsb = %01101101	' digit 5
	goto main

show6:	let pinsb = %01111101	' digit 6
	goto main

show7:	let pinsb = %00000111	' digit 7
	goto main

show8:	let pinsb = %01111111	' digit 8
	goto main

show9:	let pinsb = %01101111	' digit 9
	goto main
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