Serial OLED

A serially controlled 16x2 OLED module.

A serially controlled text display allows characters and digits (plus a limited number of other characters) to be displayed on a number of lines. This is extremely useful for showing status and other information. An OLED display uses LEDs for display rather than a traditional LCD which gives a more readable and brighter display with a higher level of contrast.

Related Commands:

Print Page




Display a temperature

Reads the temperature from a DS18B20 and displays the result on the LCD

Code Example:
	low b.2					; Initialise OLED output
	pause 500				; Waif for OLED to initialise
main:	readtemp c.1, b0			; Read DS18B20 on pin C.1
	bintoascii b0, b1,b2,b3			; Convert temperature to ascii digits
	serout b.2, n2400, ( 254, $80 )		; First line of display
	serout b.2, n2400, ( "Temperature" )	; Display "Temperature"
	serout b.2, n2400, ( 254, $C0 )		; Second line of display
	serout b.2, n2400, ( b1, b2, b3, "C" )	; Display the temperature
	pause 1000				; Waif a second
	goto main				; Display latest temperature
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Create Module

The Serial OLED is connected via a 3 wire cable to the servo create module.

Bill of Materials

Serial OLED Module AXE133Y 1 Buy Now
3-pin 0.1" header CON035 1 Buy Now


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