VDrive2 USB Stick Datalogger



Write to the datalogger

This program will add an incrementing data value to a log file on an USB memory stick attached to the VDrive2 datalogger.

Code Example:
symbol loopcounter = b1
symbol point       = b2
symbol first_byte  = b3
symbol temp        = b4

init:	pause 500		; allow 500ms to wake-up

main:	; create a log file called 'log' (for some reason 'log.txt' didn't work)

	sertxd ("<Sent> Open file",CR,LF)
	hserout 0,("opw log",CR)
	gosub get_response

	sertxd ("<Sent> write to file",CR,LF)
	bintoascii loopcounter,b5,b6,b7 		; convert loopcounter byte to 3 ascii digits
							; and write 8 bytes loop_xyz
	hserout 0,("wrf ",$00,$00,$00,$08,CR,"loop_",b5,b6,b7,CR)
	gosub get_response
	sertxd ("<Sent> Close file",CR,LF)
	hserout 0,("clf log",CR)
	gosub get_response
	inc loopcounter					; increment counter
	goto main					; repeat
	; Sub procedure to receive background bytes

	pause 1000					; wait a while	
	sertxd ("<Response> ")
	point = 0					; reset local pointer
	get point,first_byte				; Save the first reply byte
	   get point,temp				; get returned byte
	   sertxd (temp)				; transmit it
	   inc point					; increment pointer
	loop while temp <> CR				; if not CR loop
	sertxd (LF)					; Add a LF to the received CR
	sertxd (CR,LF)					; Do another blank line

	hserptr = 0					; reset the background receive pointer 
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VDrive2 Commands

The following is a list of all commands which can be used with the VDrive2

Code Example:
Device Information Commands

; Firmware version

  serout pin, t9600, ( "FWV", CR )

; Display information about the disk if disk is less than 4GB

  serout pin, t9600, ( "IDD", CR )

; Display information about the disk

  serout pin, t9600, ( "IDDE", CR )

; Display information about the disk

  serout pin, t9600, ( "IDD", CR )

; Display disk serial number

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DSN", CR )

; Display disk volume label

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DVL", CR )

; Returns the free space available on disk if less than 4GB is free

  serout pin, t9600, ( "FS", CR )

; Returns the free space available on disk

  serout pin, t9600, ( "FSE", CR )

Directory Control Commands

; List directory

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DIR" , CR )

; List specified file and size

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DIR", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; List specified file and date and time of create, modify and file access

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DIRT", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Change current directory

  serout pin, t9600, ( "CD", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Move up one directory level

  serout pin, t9600, ( "CD", " ", " ..", CR )

; Make a new subdirectory in the current directory

  serout pin, t9600, ( "MKD", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Delete subdirectory from current directory

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DLD", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Delete a file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "DLF", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Rename a file or directory

  serout pin, t9600, ( "REN", " ", "filename.ext", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

File Handling

; Reads a whole file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "RD", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Open a file for writing or create a new file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "OPW", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Open a file for reading

  serout pin, t9600, ( "OPR", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Write the number of bytes specified to the currently open file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "WRF", " ", msb, lsb, CR, "data" )

; Read the number of bytes specified from the currently open file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "RDF", " ", msb, lsb, CR )

; Close the currently open file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "CLF", " ", "filename.ext", CR )

; Seek to the byte position in the currently open file

  serout pin, t9600, ( "SEK", " ", msb, lsb, CR )
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Create Module

A VDrive2 module may be connected to the generic terminal block create module.

Bill of Materials

VDrive2 USB module USB031 1 Buy Now
4-way 0.1" header CON036 2 Buy Now


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