
WRITEI2C location,(variable,...)

WRITEI2C (variable,...)

Location - is a variable/constant specifying a byte or word address.

Variable(s) - contains the data byte(s) to be written.


This command is deprecated, please consider using the hi2cout command instead.

The writei2c (i2cwrite also accepted by the compiler) command writes variable data to the i2c location.

Use of i2c parts is covered in more detail in the separate 'i2c Tutorial' datasheet.

This command is used to write byte data to an i2c device. Location defines the start address of the data to be written, although it is also possible to write more than one byte sequentially (if the i2c device supports sequential writes).

Location must be a byte or word as defined within the i2cslave command. An i2cslave command must have been issued before this command is used.

Applies To:
See Also:
Related Create:

Example of how to use DS1307 Real Time Clock

This program sets the time and date in a DS1307 Real Time Clock. Note the data is sent/received in BCD format. Note that seconds, mins etc are variables that need defining e.g. symbol seconds = b0 etc.

Code Example:
		i2cslave %11010000, i2cslow, i2cbyte				; set PICAXE as master and DS1307 slave address

; write time and date e.g. to 11:59:00 on Thurs 25/12/03

start_clock:	let seconds = $00						; 00 Note all BCD format
		let mins = $59							; 59 Note all BCD format
		let hour = $11							; 11 Note all BCD format
		let day = $03							; 03 Note all BCD format
		let date = $25							; 25 Note all BCD format
		let month = $12							; 12 Note all BCD format
		let year = $03							; 03 Note all BCD format
		let control = %00010000						; Enable output at 1Hz
		writei2c 0,(seconds,mins,hour,day,date,month,year,control)
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