Set the serial/USB COM port for downloading.
Define a name to control conditional compilation
Alternative program code include for #ifdef and #ifndef directives
Terminate #ifdef and #ifndef commands
End a macro
End a region
Terminate a previous #rem directive
Force a compilation error to be produced
Specify the current operating speed of the PICAXE being downloaded into
Specify the number of GOSUBs allowed
Only include program code if a #define value is defined
Only include program code if a #define name is defined
Only include program code if a #define name is not defined
#ifdef simulating
Only include program code when simulating
Include program code from another source file
Define a macro
Do not download data EEPROM values
Disable debug commands in a program
Do not include a terminating 'end' command
Do not download data table values
Specify the PICAXE the program code is for
Define a code region
Treat subsequent program lines as comments
Specify the revision number in a program slot
Specify simulation model to use
Set speed of simulation
Specify program task to simulate
Specify the program slot the program code will be downloaded into
Set Terminal display baud rate
Remove a name previously created with #define
[Pre-processor substitution constants]