
A key pad is an assembly of push switches arranged as a matrix.

By applying a current to the rows of the matrix and determining where current comes out on the matrix columns it is possible to determine which keys have been pressed.

With an appropriate choice of resistor values the keypad can be wired to form a potential divider which provides a differing voltage to indicate which key has been pressed.

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Demonstration keypad reading for a keypad controlled lock

This program demonstrates example code for the CHI008 Keypad Lock kit using a PICAXE-18M2

Code Example:
#picaxe 18m2

;output 7 - FET to drive solenoid bolt
;output 6 - piezo sounder
;output 4,5 - bicolour LED
;output 3 - row 4
;output 2 - row 3
;output 1 - row 2
;output 0 - row 1

;input 0 - column 1
;input 1 - column 2
;input 2 - column 3

symbol key_pos = b0	; number of keys pressed
symbol key_value = b1	; value of key pressed

; *** reset position to zero ***

	let dirsB = 255
	let key_pos = 0

; *** now scan each row in turn ***
; *** by setting only 1 row (and LED) high ***
; *** if a switch is hit jump call score sub below ***

	let key_value = 0
	let pinsB = %00010001
	gosub key_test

	let key_value = 3
	let pinsB = %00010010
	gosub key_test

	let key_value = 6
	let pinsB = %00010100
	gosub key_test

	let key_value = 9
	let pinsB = %00011000
	gosub key_test

	goto scan

; *** Score sub procedure. ***
; *** return straight away if no key pressed ***

	if pinC.0 = 1 then add1
	if pinC.1 = 1 then add2
	if pinC.2 = 1 then add3

; *** key value will already be 0, 3, 6, or 9 ***
; *** so add 1, 2 or 3 to this value *** 

add3:	let key_value = key_value + 1
add2:	let key_value = key_value + 1
add1:	let key_value = key_value + 1

; *** Make a beep ***

	sound B.6,(60,50)

; *** Now increase position counter by 1 ***
; *** and test for 1st, 2nd 3rd or 4th push ***

	let key_pos = key_pos + 1

	if key_pos = 1 then test1
	if key_pos = 2 then test2
	if key_pos = 3 then test3
;	if key_pos = 4 then test4 
; *** Now test the value for each position individually ***
; *** If value is wrong restart, if correct loop until ***
; *** fourth go. If fourth is correct open lock! ***

; *** Key code is set to 9-3-5-1 ***

	if key_value = 1 then open
	goto reset1

	if key_value = 5 then continue
	goto reset1

	if key_value = 3 then continue
	goto reset1

	if key_value = 9 then continue
	goto reset1

; *** Got here so open lock and set LED green for 5 sec ***

open:	let pinsB = %10100000
	wait 5
	goto reset1

; *** Not correct value so reset position counter then return ***

	let key_pos = 0

; *** Okay so continue by returning back to main loop ***

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Create Module

When the keypad is wired to form a potential divider (to give a differing voltage to indicate which key is pressed) it may be connected to the generic terminal block create module.

Bill of Materials

Data entry keypad SEN040 1 Buy Now


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