low portc

LOW PORTC pin {,pin,pin...}

Pin - is a variable/constant which specifies the i/o pin to use.


Make pin on portc output low.

This command is only used on older 14M and 28X/28X1 parts. For newer M2 and X2 parts use the PORT.PIN notation directly e.g. low C.2.

The low portc command switches a portc output off (low).

Applies To:
See Also:
Related Create:

Flash an LED

Repeatedly turn an LED on portc on for 5 seconds and off for 5 seconds

Code Example:
main:	high portc 1	; switch on output portC 1
	pause 5000	; wait 5 seconds
	low portc 1	; switch off output portC 1
	pause 5000	; wait 5 seconds
	goto main	; loop back to start
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