PICAXE Editor 6
- Windows Compatible
- Not Mac Compatible
- Not Linux Compatible
- Not Chrome Compatible
- Not iOS Compatible
- Not Android Compatible
Product Details
PICAXE Editor 6 is the completely free software application for developing and simulating PICAXE BASIC, PICAXE Blockly and PICAXE flowchart programs under Windows (see AXEpad for Linux and Mac).
PICAXE Editor 6 supports all PICAXE chips and has a full suite of code development features such as:
- source code colour syntax highlighting and interactive tooltips
- auto indentation
- powerful preprocessor for #include and macros
- syntax check and program download
- code explorer to shown variable, label and constant values
- full on screen simulation with animated chips and line by line code highlighting
- simulation breakpoints by line number and variable value
- debug and serial terminal windows
- AXE027 download cable testing and port identification tools
- various testing tools such as the analogue calibration wizard
- various code generation wizards (pwmout, tune etc.)
- full flowcharting support
PICAXE Editor 6 can be used for school, private or commercial projects without charge. It may also be installed on school networks without the requirement of any license agreement paperwork.
PICAXE Editor 6 is a new release that replaces both of these two legacy products: PICAXE Programming Editor 5 and Logicator for PICs
PICAXE Editor (approx 95MB) If the installer reports that you need to first install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.1 Windows 10/11 - Press Windows keyboard key, type in "Windows Features" then enable Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 in the list that appears Windows 7/8/8.1 - Enable via Control Panel>Programs>Programs and Features>Turn Windows features on or off>Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 |
PICAXE Editor 6 (main installer) |
PE5 to PE6 Migratiom Notes | PE5 to PE6 |
Logicator to PE6 Migration Notes | Logicator to PE6 |
Microsoft .Net 3.5.1 Framework for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 .Net Framework 3.5.1 is provided by default, but may not yet be enabled, on Windows Windows 10/11 - To enable press Windows keyboard key, type "Windows Features" then enable Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Windows 7/8/8.1 - Use Control Panel>Programs>Programs and Features>Turn Windows features on or off>Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.1 | .Net 3.5 Troubleshooting |
Microsoft .Net 3.5.1 Framework for Windows XP / Vista XP/Vista users may need to download from Microsoft (if not already installed) | Microsoft .Net 3.5 Download |
RTTTL Ringtones | RTTTL Ringtones |
Revision History
Current Version:
New Updated msi code signing certificate and signing timestamp
New Updated Blockly core to 1.5.2
00662 Updated to latest AXE027 drivers
00661 Removed obsolete QuickSupport module
00660 Fixed Help-Check for updates web link
00658 Removed non-functioning 0x08 option from Terminal
00657 Improved simulation break option - no longer clears value upon uncheck
00630 Fixed issue with autobackup sometimes not restarting
New Updated Blockly core to 1.4.0
00688 PDF export now only includes line numbers if currently visible
00687 Fixed simulation issue of @ptrinc within spiout, hspiout, owout (beta compiler)
00686 Fixed simulation issue with word values within peek poke put get (beta compiler)
00684 Fixed simulation issue with word values within read write (beta compiler)
00679 Compiler now allows #Slot 4 for 20X2 (beta compiler)
00674 Fixed simulation issue with HPWM single mode pin mapping
00673 Fixed simulation issue with For.. loop ending with value $FFFF
00671 Fixed simulation issue with For.. loop terminating with value > $FF
00666 Fixed simulation issue with 'hserin' hangs when background receive.
00665 Fixed simulation issue with hsersetup' not zeroing 'hserptr'
New Updated Blockly core to 1.3.4
New Added customisable toolboxes to Blockly (right click on unused area at bottom of toolbox)
00663 Fixed simulation issue when simulating multiple hashed variables
00658 AXE401 pins.X names now work within the simulator engine
00657 Corrected some French flowchart cell translations
00656 Added input C.5 to PICAXE-14M2 simulation definition
00655 Fixed issue with French stop (fin) flowchart command
00633 Simulation check no longer clears 'debug already in progress' flag for next new download
00630 Blockly file changed flag no longer set as dirty when file is simply opened
00629 Closing PE6 whilst Serial Terminal is open no longer causes a hang if user cancels the Terminal closing
00654 .edd simulation files now open correctly from programdata folder
00653 Added support for context help tooltips for WJEC radix
00652 Updated WJEC examples
00651 Added context help tooltips for WJEC assembler
00648 Radial sliders for WJEC assembler now show correct pin name
00623 Fixed issue with line highlighting interrupt on multi task simulation
New Updated Blockly core to 1.3.3
New Added support for new WJEC/EDUQAS UK A-level, see www.picaxe.com/wjec
00647 Fixed issue resetting firmware error code for download certain firmware revisions
00632 Fixed syntax colour coding of PORT keyword
00626 Fixed simulation issue with 'exit' command
00625 Improved accuracy of sound length during simulation
00624 Fixed incorrect simulation of PUSH and POP stack depth
00599 Readadc rotary popup now selects the value 0 correctly
New Updated Blockly core to 1.2.0
00613 Code Exploer no longer 'Expands All' to display bit variables when loading
00612 Fixed issue with line number display when Exporting
00611 Translate Font Size string in Options
00610 Added Català (Catalan) to PE6 translations
00606 Fixed issue with changing workspace to a newly opened flowcharts previous language
00603 Fixed issue with duplicate French translation name used on two different flowchart cells
00600 Added 40X2 (surface mount style) simulation option
New Updated Blockly core to 1.1.5
New Added Català (Catalan) to Blockly translations
00598 Fixed issue with peek/poke simulation on older parts
New Updated Blockly core to 1.1.4 (fixes simulation highlight)
New Updated Blockly core to 1.1.3
00596 Fixed issue with simulation of 28X1 portC pins as outputs
00563 Fixed issue with typing N S etc. within Blockly incorrectly triggering menus
00563 Blockly BASIC text no longer shows Chrome spell-checking squiggles
New Updated Blockly core to 1.1.0
New Added Turkish translations
00587 Add command line switch to start in a particular language e.g. /fr
00594 Blockly default variables now show on words instead of bytes
00592 Blockly cut/paste of comment containing newlines now works
00588 Quick print of Blockly no longer has dark fill
00587 Improved loading of old PE5 ANSI format files containing accented characters
New Updated Blockly core to 1.0.8
New Updated French translations
New Updated German translations
00582 Fixed issue with pins displayed in flowchart readtemp command
New Updated Blockly core to 1.0.7
New Improved Blockly compatibility with legacy PICAXE parts
New Updated Blockly core to 1.0.5
New Updated compilers to latest version
00577 Compiler now rejects more than one use of #slot
00575 #rem colour highlighting now works correctly when #rem is on line 1
00574 Modified file edited flag for Blockly programs
00573 Legacy 18M2 compiler now accepts suspend/resume commands
00571 Added AXE092 simulation plugin
00571 Added AXE092 as simulation
00571 Added AXE171 as simulation
00570 AXE101 etc. simulations now have LDRs marked as inputs to enable right click
00568 Compiler warning when @bptrinc i is used in bintoascii
00532 Add push, pop etc commands to Manual 2
00567 Open File, all Compatible Files (*.*) now includes Blockly xml file type
00414 Updated PICAXE Manual 2
00315 Added AXE401 as simulation
New Updated Blockly core to 1.0.4
00561 Change sim behaviour to match OR after AND real chip behaviour
00540 Added Blockly manual
New Updated Blockly core to 1.0.3
00559 Fixed error msg from Blockly download when hardware not found
00543 Enabled .axe binary file export option (for use with Downloader app)
New Added Blockly programming mode (public preview)
New Added hsersetup, hserin, hserout to flowchart mode
New Updated compilers to latest version
New Added formal support for Windows 10
00554 Fixed issue with port syntax colour coding
00553 Fixed issue with hint0flag causing mouseover tooltip failure
00549 Fixed issue with unwanted tab change after Find dialog closed
00548 Conversion from tabs to spaces is now more accurate
00548 HTML conversion of tabs to spaces is now more accurate (html browsers do not align tabs)
00547 Fixed issue with some embedded fonts within exported PDFs
00537 Fixed issue displaying some #firmware error messages
00528 Fixed issue with backstage accelerator shortcuts
00527 Fixed issue with displaying variable values and names
00527 Fixed issue with editing memory panel values
00527 Editing memory panel values now prevents illegal key presses
00527 Editing memory panel values now prevented on non-implemented memory addresses
00526 Fixed simulating issue with pin number > 7 for older PICAXE types
00525 Fixed issue with inserting filename after 'Save As'
00521 Fixed issue with #picaxe changing PICAXE type
00518 Fixed simulation issue with large values within * and ** operators
00517 Fixed simulation issue with a few SIN/COS values
00511 'Check PICAXE type' function now closes any active debug session before attempting to identify PICAXE type
00514 Added option to disable automatic lines when new flowchart command is added
00512 Fixed ATAN simulation to match chip behaviour
00510 PDF/DOC/RTF export of accented characters (chars 128-255) now work correctly
00510 ALt+xxxx numeric keypress now allows addition of accented characters into editor
00508 If command now simulates correctly when more than 2 AND conditions are used
00507 Fixed simulation issue with display refresh after srset/srreset commands
00507 Fixed simulation issue responding to SRI pin
00506 PWMOUT Wizard now shows both available pins for 18M2
00467 'Collapsible block' markers now repaint correctly when keyword is deleted
New Added ConnectIO software simulation plugin
New Improved simulation response times
Fixed issue with Code Explorer using flowchart display in
New New Logicator flowcharting startup mode which:
- Forces simplified panels (code explorer etc)
- Forces default toolbar/ribbon/panel positions
- Forces simplified (no workspace) mode
- Starts up with new flowchart instead of BASIC
- Starts up with Logicator tips pdf visible (in new internal PDF viewer).
- Forces preprocessor off
New 'New flowchart' now forces start cell open to allow i/o pin configuration.
New 'New flowchart' forces portB to be outputs in this Start, as expected on most Logicator projects.
New Flowchart analogue cell has new slider for ease of use
New Updated LCD simulation for better character display accuracy
00498 Fixed flowchart issue with play cell (8 pin chips) not remembering the current 'flash' setting
00498 Broken flowchart lines are now highlighted during simulation/conversion/programming
00498 Fixed issue with changing simulation inputs when play or tune is active
00498 Fixed flowchart issue with outputs cells (40 pin chips) corrupting portA/portD values
00498 Fixed for...next simulation issue when target variable value changes within loop
00498 Fixed issue with some 28X1 pins in flowchart commands
00495 Fixed some flowchart sample fiies
00492 Fixed issue with Ctrl-T shortcut (toggle breakpoint)
00492 Added breakpoints to right-hand click context menu
00492 Fixed minor issues with syntax colouring and interactive tooltips on various commands
00491 Adding comments to flowcharts no longer adds automatic line
00490 Fixed issue with flowchart simulation of parallel tasks
00489 Fixed issue with 'exit' in simulation
00487 Outputs now switch off correctly at end of simulation
00485 Fixed issue with space shortcut for stepping simulation in flowchart mode
00484 Improved flowchart stepping mode to reduce number of clicks required
00481 Worked around WINE clipboard emulation issue
New Added X2 Conversion Wizard from PE5
New Exported PDFs now conform to PDF/A and now include embedded fonts
00480 Fixed issue with BcdToBin simulation
00478 Saved flowcharts longer than 40 rows are no longer truncated to 40 rows upon open
00478 Fixed issue with flowchart lines through deleted start cells
00439 Added option for 40X2-SM pinout image on I/O table
00335 Fixed AXE107 Rudolph simulation image
New Added simulation 'change next line' feature (right click over pointer in margin)
00477 Fixed issue with saving custom colour syntax scheme in new editor
00477 Copy to Forum now uses default colour scheme for consistency
00476 Fixed issue with quickprint button on ribbon
00474 Fixed simulation issue with 28X1 pinsC
00471 Restored spacebar step shortcut during simulation
00395 Find dialog no longer covers the next found word
00473 Fixed minor issue with syntax colouring
00472 Mouse over line number below end of text no longer causes exception
00470 Fixed simulation issue with pwmduty corrupting b.2
00469 Modified #region and { collapsed label formatting
New Re-engineered syntax editor for increased reliability and better performance
New Re-engineered editor highlighting (e.g. line highlighting when in simulation)
New Added block select functions (Alt key with mouse)
New https:// text within comments now act as a hyperlink link with Ctrl+Click
New Added support for any fixed width font available on end user's system
New Added line number tooltips on vertical scroll
00466 Use of #region no longer corrupts error line number
00462 Fixed simulation issue with outpinsX value update
00460 F1 Quick Syntax Check 'return' description fixed
00456 Fixed issues with simulating readtable in X1 parts
00456 Fixed simulation issues with srlatch
00453 RCtrl+RShift keyboard binding no longer forces legacy editor into RTL mode
00450 Fixed issues with bptr simulation
00438 Fixed issue restoring panel positions between sessions
00437 Cut/Pasted flowchart procedure cell no longer loose name
New Added pwmout wizard link to pwmout flowchart cell
00441 Fixed issue with simulation of some Select Case statements
00441 Simulation of serrxd and serin now bring serial terminal to front if hidden
00438 Amended settings file locations for improved school network support
- Shared setting files (e.g. language files) are now stored in %CommonAppData%
- Personal setting files are now stored in %AppData% and hence support roaming profiles
- User files are saved in %Personal%
00436 Fixed issue with double .. in displayed filename upon duplicate file open
00435 Shortcut binding list (Ctrl+B) now displays correctly
New Updated installer filename for clarity to PICAXEEditor6.exe
New When adding a new command at bottom of flowchart connection line is now drawn automatically
New Datalink pin names are now persisted between sessions
New Added alphabetical sort up/down to right click context menu over file categories in Workspace Explorer
New Added Diagnostics option for forcing addition of a pre-defined COM port name to Workspace Explorer list (e.g. when running within WINE on OSX/Linux)
New Various localisation string additions and corrections
New Added flowchart motor command suitable for AXE023 with 08M2
New Updated techsupplies links to new store at picaxestore.com
00434 Modified simulation behaviour when there is another return within the interrupt: sub procedure
00432 Fixed issues with parsing 'let pinsC=' in latest 28X1 compiler
00431 Flowchart pulsin and pulsout commands can now select us or ms interval
00429 Moving a procedure cell in a flowchart no longer erases its name
00428 Fixed issue with overflow during simulation of some let commands
00423 'Save as' no longer defaults to lowercase file names
00422 Memory panel columns now displays correctly at 125% DPI font size
00420 Fixed more issues with simulation of write to time variable
00412 Comments no longer generate an extra auto indent when already indented
00385 BS [08] special function in Terminal now overwrites characters from current cursor position instead of at end of text
00379 Simulation images pin tool tip balloons now render correctly at right hand edge of screen
00358 Updated compilers to workaround firmware issue within SiLabs USB CP2102 chip with regards to 'break' command processing
00318 Attempting to open same file for a second time in second instance now displays error message
00318 Starting a new instance by right click 'New Workspace' button no longer tries to open same workspace
00303 Updated/localised some COM port error messages
New Improved simulation performance
New Installer no longer requires prior uninstall of beta version
New Added French localisation support
New Added German localisation support
New Added AXE101 Cyberpet Simulation PlugIn
New Added AXE102 Alarm Simulation PlugIn
New Added AXE105 Dice Simulation PlugIn
New Added AXE130 Simple PIC Simulation PlugIn
New Added localisation support to AXE107 Rudolph Simulation PlugIn
New Added Step message to PlugIn pipe protocol
New Various localisation string additions and corrections
00421 Fixed issues with Find/Replace Dialog localisation
00420 Fixed issue with simulation of write to time variable
00418 Fixed cosmetic issues with simple (non-Workspace) mode
00416 Fixed localisation context menu issue with legacy mode
00417 Fixed various localisation strings
00404 Fixed issues with Find/Replace Dialog behaviour on search terms within history list
00379 Simulation images now show pin tool tips when panel is floating
00379 Simulation pins off colour changed to grey to increase on/off colour contrast
New Added save/open buttons to flowchart BASIC cell
New Added Spanish localisation support
New Various localisation string additions and corrections
New Added new English.pot file for translators to use with Poedit Catalog>Update
00415 Updated URF/SRF/ERF wizards as settings did not always write correctly
00413 #PICAXE type warning now works correctly for PICAXE-18M2+
00410 Added line numbers option into RTF, Word and PDF exports
00409 Fixed display issues with ribbon when in minimised state
00409 Added missing Datalink icon to ribbon
00408 Added Settings folder link to Help dialog
00405 Corrected diagram background view
00400 Fixed stream offset issue when saving some files
00387 Terminal window can now be made much smaller
00379 Simulation image text now appears correctly at 125% font size
00379 Simulation images now show pin tool tips again
00367 Collapsed areas no longer automatically expand upon first Save
00367 Breakpoints are no longer reset upon first Save
New Added new simpler (non-workspace) Editor mode
New Added support for #PICAXE directive based workspace setting changes
New Added language localisation support (actual .po files still in preparation)
New Added French language flowchart cells
New Converted Editor statusbar to modern colour scheme
00403 Ribbon Quick Print button now defaults to showing filename and page numbers
00403 PDF button added to Print ribbon section
00403 Ribbon print launcher now displays backstage Print tab
00401 Fixed issue simulating debug on 20 pin PICAXE chips
00401 Real life debug is now halted before simulation starts
00398 Increased single line length capability of pre-processor
00397 Consolas and Inconsolata font selection no longer reversed
00396 Download now correctly reacts to #no_table on very long X2 program
00392 PICAXE type could become out of sync when workspace opened
00393 Constants in Code Explorer did not refresh when switched between hex/decimal view
00391 Nested symbols now show correct tooltips
00391 Using multiple different bit variables within the same byte no longer triggers a clash report
00390 Added Syntax parsing options to Diagnostics
00390 Fixed instability issue when opening long files
00389 Flowchart Shift + Function key to toggle portC inputs now also work when simulation panel has focus
00388 Export now suggest appropriate filename
00387 Reduced default size of terminal window during simulation
00386 Fixed issue whilst simulating input commands such as serin - was resetting whole port to inputs
00383 Flowchart cell edit preview now renders correctly when flowchart zoomed
00381 Timeout button now shown on infrared remote simulation
00380 Improved syntax colouring/behaviour of nested #rem
00378 LCD simulation panels now scale correctly at 125% font setting
00377 Fixed issue with elseif or/and simulation
00376 Fixed compilation/simulation issues when there are European accented characters in the file path
00375 Added Debug auto close port for download as new global setting
00375 Terminal auto close port for download is now global setting instead of workspace
00375 Terminal prompt before exit is now global setting instead of workspace
00367 Collapsed areas no longer automatically expand upon compilation
00367 Collapsed areas no longer automatically expand when Settings dialog click OK
00367 Breakpoints are no longer reset when Settings dialog click OK
00359 Find dialog now automatically closes when document is changed
00359 Find dialog now automatically closes when ribbon backstage is displayed
00320 Fixed issue with Terminal RTS button in certain Handshaking modes
00314 Fixed Issue with identifying COM port friendly name in Windows 8
00314 Updated wizards for issue with identifying COM port friendly name in Windows 8
00308 Radial slider no longer shows decimal places during rotation
00298 Options>COM Port now identifies AXE027 latency setting and provides recommendation tooltip
00278 Fixed issue with cursor shape over line numbers
00197 Fixed instability issues when converting/saving between different encoding types
00373 Fixed issue setting bookmarks below a collapsed area of text
00372 Adjusted simulation radial slider presentation
00369 Fixed issue with arrow keys after selection when code contains collapsed blocks
00368 Removed confirm message when ETX used to close Serial Terminal
00368 Added Serial Terminal option to auto close COM port when required for download
00368 Added option to hide/show close warning to Serial Terminal settings
00364 Fixed simulation issue with 'if var bit 0 set then'
00361 Fixed preprocessor issue with relative path names on Windows XP
00357 Code Explorer constants display is now cleared before new items added
00269 Added simulation of background hserin
00250 Code Explorer now displays correct line number for labels on last line of included files
00365 Fixed issue with 28X1 readadc using A.0 notation
00357 Fixed issue with Code Explorer constants display
00264 Fixed issue with button highlighting on QAT
00352 LCD panel is hidden after change to Options
00350 AXE115 sample BASIC file corrected
00349 Bit variables no longer always display in lower case
00348 Legacy mode diagram toolbar renamed
00347 Added warning message for Inconsolata font use on XP
00347 Font defaults to Courier upon new installation
00345 Fixed issue with EEPROM command on old 08 part
00264 Fixed issue with tooltips and button highlighting on QAT
00260 All chip simulation images resolution/clarity improved
00180 Fixed issue with context help tooltip appearing below last line
00344 Fixed issue with compiling unsaved file
00343 Added additional font options for default colour coding scheme
00342 Fixed issue displaying the Syntax Check error message
00341 Fixed issue with trying to open Terminal on no port selection
00340 Clarified link functions on Workspace Explorer settings tab
00339 Fixed ribbon appearance at large default System font
00338 Fixed issue with Workspace Explorer painting with System font at 125%
00336 Fixed issue with [ character in 'Copy for Forum'
00327 Yes/No font on flowcharts now scales correctly
00317 Bit variables have been added to the Code Explorer
00302 LCD simulation panels now float correctly and can be closed more easily
00275 Input pins can now be set before simulation starts
00264 Fixed crash when more than 10 buttons added to QAT
00332 Renamed URF setup wizards
00331 #include now supports relative file paths
00330 Fixed issue with reversed ppp_filename and ppp_filepath strings when used within include files
00330 Added ppp_includefilename and ppp_includefilepath which report current include file when used within include files
00328 Fixed issue simulating and/or within loop command
00329 Editing table i/o now prompts workspace save on exit
00326 Moved input/output table to Workspace Explorer file section
00326 Renamed Workspace Explorer links for clarity
00325 Added and/or option to flowchart setint cell
00324 Added option to hide ribbon section titles
00323 Syntax check now works when terminal is open
00323 If Terminal is already open but port closed #Terminal now reopens the port after download
00322 Recent files now highlight within list when mouse moved over them
00322 Recent files now display correctly on smaller screen sizes
00319 #no_data now works correctly on very long 18M2/18M2+ programs
00319 #slot 1 now reported as download error on old 18M2 (not 18M2+) parts
00316 Fixed issue with simulation mapped LCD pin on 08M2
00314 Fixed issue with options COM port display grid on Windows 8.1
00313 Variable clash and map buttons not displayed in Flowchart mode
00312 Fixed simulation issue with bit variables
00311 Fixed issue with clearing breakpoints
00310 Fixed issue with simulating readtable command
00289 Added i/o pin number to simulation radial slider
00288 Added XBee setup wizard
00287 Reporting of M2 parts memory usage during syntax check now more accurate
00250 Code Explorer labels now shows correct line numbers of #included files
00083 Bookmarks can now also be toggled by clicking margin (left click breakpoint, right click bookmark).
00307 Fixed issue loading initial table values for simulation of M2 parts
00306 Added Manual Edit button to Colour Syntax schemes
00304 Fixed issue with checking if Serial Terminal is already using same COM port when starting a new download
00301 Compilers now give i2c master mode error warning if bit0 of slave address is 1 (often indicates a 7 bit address in use)
00300 Numeric values > 255 in Serial Terminal raw mode are no longer allowed
00296 Updated some sample files
00295 Memory and Code Explorer are now hidden on very first startup
00295 Workspace Explorer is automatically displayed upon #picaxe directive error
00295 Use of debug now displays Code Explorer
00294 Added kbin command simulation via keyboard
00294 Added ultra command simulation via slider
00294 Fixed issue with ultra simulation on X2 parts
00293 Settimer and timer3 time intervals now simulate correctly
00291 Flowchart 'out' command now works with 28X1 etc.
00291 Flowchart 'in' command now works with 28X1 etc.
00291 Flowchart 'wait' command now uses , instead of . as decimal separator in appropriate European languages
00290 Select and Select Case now syntax colour code identically
00289 Exposed radial slider on simulation diagram (right click over pin during simulation)
00286 Modified on/off colour scheme for simulation outputs
00285 Added page settings to print tabs to allow configuration of print margins
00284 Fixed issue backing up flowchart files
00283 Previous use of third party terminals (e.g. putty) no longer stop PICAXE downloads working reliably
00282 Added Workspace buttons to Home ribbon tab
00282 Added right click on New Workspace in ribbon to start new instance
00282 Ribbon Help button now shows Help Dialog rather than Help Backstage Tab
00281 Added option to allow files to be automatically added to workspace
00281 Added option to automatically add PICAXE manuals as PDF links to new workspace
00281 Added right click context menu over PDF in Workspace Explorer to add PICAXE manuals
00280 Compiler now checks temporary file generation (e.g. if delay occurs over network drive)
00279 Unrequired .ppp pre-processor output files now removed after use
00277 Installer no longer leaves multiple entries in Control Panel>Programs
00276 Fixed issue with recognising updated version availability from www.picaxe.com/PE6
00274 20X2 pin C.3 now recognised as a PWM pin
00274 20X2 compiler now supports Lego NXT parts again via I2C
00273 Added Program button to Home ribbon tab
00272 Ok button is now default button on syntax error check report message box
00272 Ok button is now default button on Quick Syntax
00271 Breakpoints are no longer lost when simulation starts
00270 Simulation control buttons can no longer be added to QAT (as QAT is disabled during simulation)
00268 Mouse drag (rather than click) over bookmark margin no longer creates unwanted breakpoint
00267 QAT buttons (undo etc) now correctly reflect .Enabled status of master ribbon button
00266 Exposed Serial Terminal receive box's right click context menu
00266 Added 'Select All' to Serial Terminal's Edit menu
00265 Code Explorer adjusting label column width no longer causes an exception
00263 Simulation of hi2cin/out no longer gives error message if address byte not used
00263 Simulation i2c address maintained between hi2c calls if address parameter not used within hi2cin/out
00262 Pre-processor ppp_ date substitutions now have month indexed to 1 rather than 0
00261 Root folder for backup browse button now set to 'My Computer' rather than 'My Documents'
00261 Save default path browse button could cause exception on non-English versions of Windows
00259 Fixed installer shortcut target file name property
00258 User constant/variable names now colour code in 'Forum Copy' (after Syntax Check has activated them)
00257 Simulated LCD line 3 base address changed from 160 to 148
00257 Simulated LCD line 4 base address changed from 224 to 212
First public beta release.